For health practitioners that are interested in learning how TRTP will resolve client’s trauma

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Judith Richards specialises in trauma, including PTSD


Because she has survived extreme trauma and the resultant PTSD, and she found a way through.

She studied just about everything available to be studied.  She found the ‘bits’ that work and the rest that don’t work she discarded.   She discovered hypnotherapy and chose to learn from the fastest and most effective teachers she could find.

She added her own ‘learnings’ – the techniques that she had created to make herself both physically and mentally well when no-one had given her any hope that it was possible.

She knows PTSD inside-out and backwards.

And she knows the way through to the other side – to wellness and freedom.  She knows the way intimately.  She’s ‘been there, done that’, and she can show you, or the person you care about who has PTSD, the way to leave it behind.  She assists her clients to a place of ‘being safe’, and when you know that you’re safe, your body and your mind return to a state of calm.

So what is PTSD?  What is the difference between ‘trauma’ and ‘PTSD’?

Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop PTSD.  PTSD is a group of symptoms which arise after an event, or events, during which the person has felt terrified and helpless to save themselves, and in fear of dieing.

The event / events, can be an accident, assault, war, torture or a natural disaster.

You can have two twins go through the same events and one will develop PTSD and one will not. Why?  Because the twin who develops the PTSD has usually experienced trauma previously.

PTSD symptoms:

  • Flashbacks of the traumatic event through intrusive memories or nightmares. As well as the strong emotions of these events, there may be physical symptoms as well, such as sweating, heart palpitations or panic attacks.
  • Feeling emotionally numb and avoiding situations that are reminders of the trauma. This avoidance can cause someone to lose interest in day-to-day activities and become detached from friends and family. Some people experience ‘dissociation’ –  a feeling of watching from a distance as events unfold.
  • Feeling anxious and ‘jumpy’ for no reason. Heightened vigilance can mean the affected person is constantly on the lookout for danger, possibly leading to irritability and a lack of concentration.

Why Hypnotherapy for PTSD?

In “Psychotherapy” magazine (Volume 7, Number 1), various types of techniques were listed and profiled in a review of relevant literature by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD. In the above quoted text, the techniques that proved to generate the greatest success in providing lasting change were the following (listed in order of success rate):

Hypnosis93% recovery after 6 sessions (approx. 1 1/2 months @ 1 session per week).
Behaviour Therapy72% after 22 sessions (approx. 6 months @ 1 session per week).
Psychotherapy38% recovery after 600 sessions (approx. 11 1/2 yrs @ 1 session per week).

Studies show that people who have been severely traumatised are actually ‘more hypnotisable’ than the general public.  A study of Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD were shown to be twice as ‘hypnotizable’ as the general population. J Clin Psychiatry. 1990 Oct

During and after WWI  PTSD (or ‘shell shock’, as it was then called,) was intensively studied.  The most effective solution was hypnotherapy. Soldiers actually became well with hypnotherapy treatment.

The hypnotherapy techniques that Judith has devised work.  She is in demand  to teach them to other hypnotherapists globally.

Call her.  Talk with her.  You will find someone who understands and will show you how to get to the other side – how to reach freedom from your trauma.

Why would you wait?

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