Do you, or someone you love, have challenges when it comes to learning?
Hypnotherapy can be extremely effective in changing learning processes, and therefore, learning outcomes. It can make it easier for the student in every learning situation – impacting how they take in information, in their ability to act on information, to retain and recall information. It is possible to increase focus and concentration, decreasing frustration and anger.
The best way to explain how hypnosis can be effective in the education area, is by way of an example:
‘Josh’, aged 7, was brought to Judith by his parents. They were concerned that he was having great difficulty with his school work, particularly reading, writing and maths. His fine motor skills were poor and he was getting very angry and frustrated.
On arrival, Judith asked Josh to copy a simple drawing she’d done.
The lines he drew had no similarity to the original drawing.
It became clear that Josh’s passion was physical activity – he was quite a gymnast! Under hypnosis Judith asked Josh to take some of his ‘physical smarts’, which he had in great abundance(!) and put them in the area of his brain that was used for his school work. A number of other strategies were also incorporated.
At the end of the session Josh was again asked to copy the simple drawing. This he did almost perfectly. When his parents came to pick Josh up they were amazed at his new-found drawing, reading, maths and concentration skills. His mother cried…
Josh continues to improve in his schoolwork, employing a ‘secret weapon’ that only he (and his mum and dad) know about.
His mother reports that Josh is very proud that his anger is no longer in charge of him – he is in charge of his anger!
To discuss the learning challenges which you are facing, call Judith for understanding and assistance – with all matters related to hypnotherapy for children.